Photo by the ever amazing Jill DeVries

And so, this adventure, this journey will be finding and becoming the people we want to be, living the lives we were meant to live.




Here’s the thing, I have lived in Los Angeles for longer than I ever dreamed. Had experiences I could never have imaged. Worked on things I would have thought impossible only a short time ago. Have the very best community (near and far), and now, more than ever, find myself wondering what the future will hold. 

Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a great adventure or nothing” which is saying something, considering the deck was so heavily stacked against her. Life is an adventure that I am choosing to live (though not alone). An exploration of self and of soul. 

The Curated Life is the pursuit of finding what makes living better. Following our passions, pursuing love, seeing the good... living with intention. Quality over quantity. Experience over mere existence. It may not be glamorous or perfect, but I wouldn’t want it be.  

