Do you ever find yourself amidst a conversation that feels pointed at your deepest fears? So perfectly suited to the eclipsed side of your soul, you could swear the others involved must know all of your dark and twisty secrets.
I found myself talking with a group of new friends (also known as complete strangers) about forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and grace. I have recently been struggling to feel warm fuzzy feelings towards a few individuals, but the truth is (if I let it come out) that I truly don’t know these people I am so harshly holding a grudge against. I don’t know what is happening in their lives, I don’t know what battles they are fighting, what mental, physical, or emotional issues they may be working through. But I do know that my attitude towards them isn’t helping anything.
I recently wrote about judging. This led to a whole mess of conversations, but what it also brought about was conviction. I owe you an apology. If I have ever harmed you, spoke ill of your character, or judged you unfairly I am truly sorry.
Next time you are about to rub someones face in the dirt, remember all of the things pinterest has taught you-
“Be curious, not judgmental”
Walt Whitman
“Always be a little kinder than necessary.”
J.M. Barrie
And of course,
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”