How do you deal with critique?
It is really hard having someone you admire pick apart your work (even having a complete stranger criticize you or your work doesn’t exactly leave you feeling warm and fuzzy).
The other week I received a lot of criticism, some positive, some not so positive… taking their words with a extra dose of grace and understanding wass a hard pill to swallow. My immediate desire was to climb back into bed and never get out again because, obviously, I am the worst… the reality couldn’t be further from the truth, but you try telling that to my brain when I feel like my ribs have been cracked and bruised.
After I had time to think and reflect on the situation I realized, their words were given as a gift, to push me to be better, to make me learn from where I am and lift me to where I want/need to be; getting to that point however, was (is) incredibly difficult.
So I ask again, how do you deal with critique?
For the time being, if you will excuse me, I am going to crawl back to bed, just for five minutes… then I will get up, splash some water on my face, and start fresh; moving toward who I am supposed to be, the knowledge of how to do it better tucked between my ribs.