Drew and I are incredibly passionate, hard workers. We could (do) work for 12-14 hours a day, not every day, but most. It is a rare occasion that we break from the hustle of self employment to enjoy our life in the way “normal” people enjoy life. But we love what we do and to quote Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I like to call this justification for running ourselves into the ground.
Although, every now and again we see the error of our ways and actually take a day off (shocking I know). This past weekend we had one such day, and it was one of my favorite LA days to date (even though we didn’t do anything remotely extraordinary).
Buried beneath the weight of our down comforter, Saturday bathed us in sunlight as song birds beckoned us to start our day. I slid my feet from beneath the covers, the cool of the hard wood floor grounding me. With the sun caressing my weary body, a breeze of cool, refreshing air carried me away to a distant memory of packed earth, and shattered light; a forest of tall sugar pine wrapping me in its vast arms.
The morning flowed, in like the tide effortless and free. We took each moment in stride.
Narian greeted us with a smile. We chatted about life and happenings as he realigned our bodies, releasing pressure and stress from deep within our bones. There was a calm in the air as we left, our minds settling into our spirits, reconnecting with our physical form.
Sqirl (currently our favorite brunch locale) was packed as we approached, buzzing and alive. Friends gathered, forming community over coffee and sharing in a delicious meal. We sat outside, talking about life and our on going love affair with California. My almond cappuccino was gone before I knew it and breakfast ended far too soon.
The afternoon was spent shopping, coffee at Handsome, baking, working (only a little), and enjoying our neighborhood.
As the afternoon light faded to evening we joined friends for dinner. High above the noise of of the city, we lost ourselves in wine and conversation. Good food and laughter filling us body and spirit. Lights sparkled on distant hills, stars kissing the earth, shimmering as darkness filled the great expanse over head.
We drove home in silence, our hearts knowing, above all else, this is where we are meant to be, even if it’s only for a little while, all is right in the world.