Dear foodie world,
I have a question for you- When,exactly, did the pit become a stone? Did I miss something? Has this been a ‘thing’ my whole life and I simply haven’t heard of it until now!?
Farmers markets have became foreign to me. The things I once knew as peaches, plums, cumquats, pluats (sp?), and the like, are now suddenly marked “fresh stone fruit”, which left me to thinking, “what the hell is stone fruit!? I just want peaches… are these still peaches?” people guffawed when I dared to ask the question,”what exactly is ‘stone fruit’?”…I felt as though I had been living under a [rock] stones from these fruits (pun intended) for all of time; but you know, ignorance is bliss… right?
Not only has this trend infiltrated the farmers market and Whole paycheck Foods, but it has leached its way into some of my most favorite food blogs. Nothing is sacred, not even the hallowed Avocado! Someone referred to the PIT as the STONE!
I am not saying that I am adverse to the term, in-fact, I think it gives an air of sophistication the otherwise common term, wouldn’t you agree? All I want to know is, when did this change come about and why?
Please do let me in on the secret, I would be ever so grateful.
Yours Truly,