When I was younger… much younger, I fell in love with an organizations zealous pleas for global change and I longed to make an impact on the world I lived in. Over the years that desire has shifted, rolling with the tides, being shaped by the ebb and flow; but the feeling remains- I want to live a life that matters. I want to (help) change the (way the) world (is).
This weekend, August 8th-11th, Invisible Children will be hosting the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit at UCLA. Bringing individuals, leaders, politicians, celebrities, and the average Joe alike together, to inspire and educate a community on how they can get involved; to create change in the world.
When I was invited to come and participate, to witness this movement for bettering our planet, that spark was once again lit inside me. Though I can not have the full experience (they are providing participants with full housing, meals, lectures, concerts, and so so much more) I am honored to be attending, I am thrilled to see what it will be like, and I am excited to encounter the passion of these individuals who are ready to move mountains for the betterment of our world.
Even though you may not be in California, even if you can’t attend, follow this link and participate as the movement goes viral by webcast.
Stay tuned, there will be more to come.