Intuition is one thing*; reading people, being able to sense their energy, it is a gift. Knowing what they are truly thinking however, is something quite different.
There are times when I catch myself, hosting the assumption that the people I am with should automatically know what I am thinking (to be fair, sometimes I genuinely think I have actually told them the twisty thoughts that are in my head… but you know, sometimes the wires don’t connect and the words never make it out of your mouth). At any rate, assuming people can some how read your mind is an incredibly poor decision. Someone will end up pissed off and the other person in question will end up entirely confused and flustered (please note, these reactions may vary).
People (for the most part) are not telepathic, they can not read your mind, no matter how intuitive they may seem (if they could read minds the woman across the room would know I love her blouse, and the guy next to me would know he should probs go put on some extra strength D/O for that B/O, know what I’m sayin?!)… I will admit there are times where I think Drew can read my mind (always at the worst moments) and then I realize, no, he just knows me really well…then again maybe he is a mind reader… nah.
It is not another persons job to know your thoughts, but it is your social duty to make your desires known, this is not The Magic School Bus, Miss.Frizzle is not going to shrink them and drive them into your brain so they can see into your mind… though that would be pretty awesome. Moral of the story, speak your peace, make sure you actually verbalize your thoughts, otherwise you will end up sorely disappointed. And we can’t have that happen, now can we?
*If only I could read peoples thoughts in traffic… that would be something worth reading wouldn’t it!?