The other day a five year old little girl asked me if I knew what foxes say, I said I didn’t know (thinking, seriously though… what do foxes say!? The only fox I have ever heard is a rather Fantastic Mr.Fox and he doesn’t really count)… little did I know what that very conversation would lead to. I assumed (wrongly) that she was asking me a literal question. A sly grin crept across her face and she very cooly informed me, what a fox would say-
… I smiled and said “ooooh woooow! that is pretty cool”… assuming (wrongly) that she was just being a kid and making things up (as kids are one to do). But then, magically, two days later a friend (who happens to be an adult) asked me, “Do you know what a fox says’?”
Was he pulling my chain? Had he somehow planted a subliminal message for talking foxes into all children’s minds?! No, he had simply discovered (as have millions of others) the Scandinavian foxy magic that is taking over the internet. This video has gone so viral even SNL couldn’t resist making a version of their own, asking the age old question, “what does my girl say?” (it is amazing... go watch it...I will wait).
I am now proudly able to say… I do(n’t) know what a fox says and I hope you do(n't) as well.