I realize how very “californian” this is going to sound, but you guys, I can’t help myself, I am obsessed with YOGA! I LOVE IT.
Part of me feels like it is a cheater work out, I mean… come on.. breathing and finding your “flow” for an hour doesn’t exactly feel like a legitimate work out in the moment… then again how my body feels after is like magic and there are millions of hippies across the globe who swear by their practice, so perhaps I just never realized what I was missing out on. The way it forces your body to change, the way you learn to breath, le sigh! It is wonderful.
There are a million different forms of yoga and I am still figuring out which one is my favorite. Lately I have been quietly flowing in my living room or hot boxing myself in my bedroom when the sun is relentless and temperatures sky rocket to a balmy 90+ degrees. While I would love to attend classes at a studio, it simply isn’t in the cards right now, one day… there is a Jillian Michieals Yoga tutorial that involves more movement and intensity that I am rather fond of. Somewhere in the middle she forcefully instructs you to “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable”, in another of my favorites the instructor talks of learning to breath through the resistance, just like the times in life where things become difficult. Who knew yoga could be so transformative to body, mind, and soul (ok… we all knew it… but sometimes you actually have to pull the wax out of your ears and hear what they are saying).
Yoga not only builds strength of the body, but strength of the mind. It allows you to be ok with failure, because each session is a practice; If you mess up there is always tomorrow to do better.
What about you? Do you practice? Why kind are you currently into? I’m dieing to know.