This year has brought about a lot of... anniversaries... shall we say. A lot of milestones, if you will. I apologize if you are sick of my documenting them, but such is life. The good news is, the year is almost over, so you won't have to put up with my mile markers that much longer I promise (then again, the bad news is next year is a new year, with new occasions to there will indeed be more posts like this I am quite sure).
Todays celebration is *pause for effect* the one year anniversary (birthday?) of The Curated Life! TA-DA! (truly I am a little late... it happened the other week, September 12, 2012 was the first day in it's short life [poetic, isn't it?])
For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, you are troopers! For those who joined partway through, thank you for following along, for those just coming to the party, welcome aboard, we like to have fun around here (or so I tell myself).
As many of you know, this year has been... eventful, to say the least. I have undergone many changes of spirit and learned more than I could have ever anticipated from the (not so planned) road life has led me down. However, the fact that the path gets dark and scary from time to time only makes the beautiful bits shine more brightly (I don't know about you, but for some reason enchanted forests and fairy godmothers come to mind with that analogy). I'm not saying that I enjoy extreme stress, heart ache, and trauma, but I will say that (at this point) I am grateful for everything that Drew and I have gone through this year.
I would liken this scenario to working out... stay with me here... Most people say they workout for their health, which is true, sure, but at the heart of the matter we all know that, truly, people work out because they want to eat french fries and not feel guilty about it (or maybe that's just me). Writing blog posts, coming up with content (yada-yada-yada), never sounds very good, BUT, just like working out, (if) when I do it, once all of that contemplation is behind me, and my skin is glistening (girls don't sweat, right?) I am super glad that I did it. No, I am not just sitting behind my laptop sweating all day, but I certainly do sit here and contemplate doing almost any (and everything) else. Confession- Writing, though fulfilling, isn't always at the top of my to-do list.
This 'blog' (such a dirty word isn't it?) has been an undertaking that has taught me to be patient; to give myself, and those around me, an extra handful of grace every now and again. It has made me break out of my shell, connected me to incredible people, helped me build routines and learn discipline. I have been inspired by food, fashion, and culture. Challenged how and why I say/do/think/believe/wear/love/dream the way that I do.
This is only a starting point. I can't even begin to imagine what the future may hold... but I am beyond excited to find out.
Here's to you- Thank you for being a part of this. You really are just the greatest.