I realized the other day, while deep inside a 'pinning' session, that I have a board entitled "my man style". Now, this is fitting because, technically, I am pinning things I think Drew would like (and he is indeed a man), however, in the midst of pin party 2013 I realized that the things I was pinning onto my normal "my style" board were heavily influenced by mens fashion.
I WANT TO DRESS LIKE A MAN! Every day, forever and ever (amen).
What I find humorous, is that this concept just now seems to be cropping up on many of my favorite fashion blogs with headlines like- "Steal His Style" "Wear His Wardrobe" "Borrow from the Boys", all of which are clever and wonderful, and totally on trend, but you guys... I swear I wore it before it was 'cool' (I sound like your mom don't I?) fitting the inspiration into whatever the current 'style' was.
At any rate this is not to say I don't enjoy a well fitted piece of attire, a nice dress, or a sexy pair of heels, quite the opposite, it simply means I like to style those pieces in a more 'manly' fashion. I mean, look at the icons in fashion, do they wear pretty pink things plastered in tacky designs? No! They wear clean, fresh, styles (90% of which are black, white, grey, and denim... as they should be DUH!).
I used to question my love of boy friend jeans (a subject holy unto itself) and mens button ups, thinking I had a problem of some kind. No longer! I rock those over sized beauties with pride. After all, it's not always about what you wear, it's about how you wear it.
Blazer- Cynthia Vincent
Tee Shirt- H&M
Necklace- Kristen Elspeth
Denim- J.Crew
Heels- Cole Haan