I am like an alcoholic in need of a drink, suffering from the shakes and tormented by brain crushing headaches; though my torcher comes from a more wholesome source.
I fully admit to being a coffee addict. After all, there are far worse things to be addicted to, such as cocain, so I feel pretty ok with my addiction to the caffeinated goodness… But when headaches threaten if you skip a day, has this addiction gone too far?
On top of the addiction, I am a person of peculiar habits (I feel as if that is the wrong word, but I am afraid the appropriate one escapes me at the moment). I like having coffee in the morning with or shortly after breakfast and I am a huge fan of afternoon coffee. Not because I need the caffeine, though that may indeed be apart of it, but more so because I really enjoy the ritual of taking fifteen minutes to make a pot of french press. I don’t get to do it every day, though I wish I did. I feel strangely buoyed by the methodical motions of grinding the beans, boiling water, allowing the grounds to steep, and finally pouring a hot steaming cup of joe into my favorite mug.
This process of course would not be complete with out cream and sugar (in my case honey), however, I am not one to pour the (almond) milk straight from the carton into the cup, though I have done that on occasion. I much prefer pouring the milk into my creamer cup and then pour from that into my coffee. Unnecessary? Absolutely! One of life’s little joys? Most definitely.
The only problem with afternoon coffee is that 9 times out of 10 I really want a treat with my coffee, I mean morning coffee comes with breakfast, afternoon coffee should come with a cookie! This means however, that I am adding unnecessary calories into my day (could I sound any more like a sorority girl!? booo!). That being said, on-top of the addiction, has my coffee habit gotten out of controle? Is this a habit I should cut out?
Then again, if I pose that question, I may as well pose the question that should not be spoken- Should I give up coffee all together?
NEVER. No matter how much it may be stunting my growth.