I will keep this short and sweet. This topic is one that cuts a little too close to home, therefore I won’t dwell on the negative connotations for too long (for fear of falling into a deep spiral that will suck me down and we don’t want that).
Have you ever said something… something not particularly offensive, not even mean really, but the reaction you receive would lead you to believe that you killed an innocent kitten!(aka you are THE WORST person in the world) You guys… this happens to me a lot, not the whole “worst person in the world bit”(and I would never kill a kitten) but often times I will be having a conversation with someone and not realize the tone in which I am speaking. This fact has the power to transform a rather innocent comment into a land mine of hostility.
I swear to you I am a good hearted, kind, person (85% of the time) and I never intentionally mean to hurt anyones feelings, but time and time again I catch myself saying things, in a harsh or irritated manor… I’ll just say it, it makes me sound like a biznatch (a bee with an itch, a b-witch… fine, a bitch!).
Of all my bad qualities, this one may just take the cake.
To all of you who have, may ever, or might interact with me- I am sorry. I promise I will do my best to not only choose my words wisely, but listen to how they come out of my mouth.