You know those things… the job, the grand prize, the expired coupon, the canceled vacation, or the relationship that grew apart… the things you may not really need, but sure would have been nice? Those times where you hang your head and sigh, “oh man!”, then kick up some dirt exclaiming, “aw shucks!” or better still, when you swing your arm violently across your body cursing loudly, “GOSH DARNIT!”.
In reality, that job would have only been extra money, play money. Very Dave Ramsey of you to pursue, but at the end of the day, it’s not going to make or break you if you get it (we hope).
Prizes and coupons (discounts, freebies, or any other form of ‘swag’) are really just life bonuses that make me feel like I’m living in Monopoly and ‘passed go’. So when they don’t work out I figure I’m just stuck around the corner on St.James Place or missed my turn and will get it the next time around.
As age settles into my young bones I realize more and more how relationships (friendships, family, significant others) affect my state of being. Some are worth my time and energy, the investment, if you will, while others are taxing, draining my resources. Learning to be ok with this change has been hard, I have always been the girl who wanted to be friends with EVERYONE! Realizing when a relationship is no longer a good thing is hard… the worst… but six weeks, three months, or seven years down the road you will see you made the right choice (or that the right choice was made for you).
I have been thinking about these things a lot lately. My theory is, that when something (job/relationship etc) doesn’t work out there is a reason (BOOM! no, no, wait for it…). This ties back into my life mantra of- “things don’t work until they do” which sounds convoluted until you realize that it’s true.
Maybe you weren’t supposed to get that job or project because something bigger, better, or more meaningful will be entering your life. Perhaps that relationship wasn’t meant to be (because if you had tried to force it you would be divorced within a year). And just maybe that trip you were hoping to take that fell through so you could save your pennies for something bigger.
Though inconvenient, disappointing, empty, and regretful we may feel in the moment, remember that this moment, this “gloom” is only temporary. Then again this is just a theory.
Keep your chin up, there are good things ah’comin.